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Eleven Paths of Bhakti (Devotion) mentioned in Bhagavata Purana
In lower ages (KaliYuga and Dwapara) devotion is recommended by the sages as the best way to God. It is also recommended that a devotee follows a path which is a combination of these paths. A devotee must strive with his full strength to keep God in his mind all the time. Categories: Related content1. Lord Ganesha symbolism [topic] 2. Vyasa feeds Krishna the offerings of Gopis [story] 3. Akrura a great devotee of Lord Krishna [story] 4. Sant Janabai (1949) hindi movie [movie] 5. Pride of a Radha (disciple) [story] 7. What are the ashta (8) Siddhis and nava (9) nidhis [question] 8. Ashta Siddhis & other supernatural powers [topic] 9. Hinduism sects [topic] 10. Hinduism facts: interesting hindu facts [topic] 12. 16000 wives of Krishna, spiritual significance [topic] 14. Names of Lord Vishnu from Vishnu Sahasranama [topic] 15. Names of Lord Sri Krishna and their meanings [topic]