select category_id from item_category_relation where item_id='426' Story of Swami Vivekananda: Protection Of Cows

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Story of Swami Vivekananda: Protection Of Cows

Swami Vivekananda

Once, a member of a Cow Protection Organization met Swami Vivekananda. He presented him with a picture of Cow and explained to him how his organization has been rescuing Old cows that are being sent to butcher.

Swami Vivekananda read the Pamphlet, and asked "Is your organization doing anything to help those dying in the Middle India from the famine? there are already more than 1,00,000 dead."

"No, Sir." he replied, "Our organization only take cares of Cows."

"Don't you think you should be helping humans? surely you can save a lot with the funds you collect." Reasoned Swamiji.

"No Sir, they are responsible for their condition." said the man.

"By that logic, even Cows are being butchered because of their own fate, they don't need our help." said Swamiji angrily.

All Life is precious, human life is specially so, it is the only vehicle which can take us to divinity. It is noble to care for all life forms, especially the higher forms likes Cows, Monkeys, Dogs, Elephants. But human life should be given higher priority, for it has the chance to realize the highest truth.

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