select category_id from item_category_relation where item_id='45'
10$ looks big at Church but small at storeWhy is it $10 looks so small at the grocery store.. but so big at church? Categories: Related content1. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! God is great [joke] 2. Lady loses her handbag, a boy finds it [joke] 4. Preacher's Horse that stops at 'Amen' [joke] 5. Sermon on the sin of Lying [joke] 6. Meeting Jonah in Heaven/ Hell [joke] 7. An old couple die and go to Heaven [joke] 10. I'm asking the Lord to give me a good sermon [joke] 11. God is watching the apples [joke] 12. God, how long is a million years to you [joke] 13. foolish preacher who loved god [joke] 14. Oh, the Lord did it again [joke] 15. Life is a three ring circus [joke]