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Hand of the ghost: a story from Lahiri Mahasaya's Life
"But it is not a dream" the man said. "I see it" Lahiri Mahasaya said, "Still, it is not real; everything is a dream" The man believed the Guru's words, and was healed. So should you use your mind to change yourself, to heal yourself. Always affirm: "Nothing can hurt me. Nothing can ruffle me" realize that you are as good as the best man, as powerful as the strongest man. You must have more faith in yourself. If you make your mind strong, you will be rid of your nightmare. Categories:Paramahansa Yogananda:Stories, Related content2. Truth is exact correspondence with reality [quote] 3. You have nothing if you have not God [quote] 5. The first experiment is silence [quote] 9. Be calmly active and actively calm [quote] 10. Pride of a Radha (disciple) [story] 11. Love of a Radha (disciple) for Krishna (guru) [story] 12. Paramahansa Yogananda on man-woman love [quote] 13. man woman Joke (Paramahansa Yogananda) [joke] 14. A man found god through his love for his wife [story] 15. Two Frogs in Trouble [story]