Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Quotes  -
Once your perception rises beyond the physical nature, there is no male or female -
Once your life is an expression of your blissfulness, you will not be in conflict with anyone. -
In reality, there is only now. If you know how to handle this moment, you know how to handle eternity. -
If fundamental faculties of thought and emotion happen your way, Joy is the consequence. -
Your life is ticking away. It’s time to focus on what is truly worthwhile. -
Joy is not the end goal but the Beginning. -
A scoundrel is knowledgeable. A fool thinks he knows. A sage is an empty page. -
Belief is brainwashing; faith is about washing the brains -
We all have the potential to live in blissfulness and inner wellbeing – if only we create the right kind of climate within ourselves. -
It is always best that you spend a little time without people before you impose yourself on other people. -
This is the greatest aspect of life – that it has no meaning to it and there is no need for it to have a meaning. -
Consciousness is the source of who we are. Our thoughts, intentions, and actions are a consequence of that. -
If you know one piece of life in its absolute nature, you know everything else by inference -
Shutting your mouth is only half the job. To become silent is possible only if you do not think much of yourself. -
Better to die of exhaustion than of sloth and boredom -
If you see someone doing something wrong, condemn the action, not the person. -
Devotion means keeping your intellect aside to let a larger intelligence function through you. -
Who you are should be established by the way you are within yourself, not by what you do. -
Being human means having the possibility to consciously shape yourself. -
Optimism and pessimism are nothing but attitudes. Either way, you are trying to deny reality -
Are you creating poison within you or the fragrance of the Divine? This is a choice. -
Spirituality has nothing to do with the atmosphere you live in. It’s about the atmosphere you create within yourself. -
The only reason why people have such a fear of death is they know nothing beyond the body. -
The Divine is far more inebriating than wine. -
Ignorance is a boundless reality. What you are yet to know is a limitless possibility. -
‘Tomorrow’ never happened to anybody. But the idea of 'tomorrow' has robbed people of their lives. -
What is good may not please everyone – what is pleasing may not be good for everyone. -
If you have a full-scale realization that you do not know anything, paying attention will be natural. -
No matter what kind of intellect you have, it is never enough to grasp the nature of existence -
Yogis are not against pleasure. It is just that they found something much more intense and enduring within themselves. -
With every breath, we are one step closer to the grave. Now is the time to explore a dimension beyond body and mind. -
The first fundamental of the spiritual process is that you drop all assumptions. -
Once you shift your order of priorities from “having–doing–being” to “being–doing–having,” your destiny will be in your hands. -
Never look up to anyone – never look down on anyone. When you see all the way they are, you shall navigate life effectively. -
Love is not an instrument of convenience. Love is a process of self-annihilation. -
The dimension of Shiva is the canvas on which everything in existence is painted. -
You don’t have to fight for transformation. Something as gentle as a flower can bring fragrance to the atmosphere. -
If you want to paint, first you need an empty canvas. If you want to know music, you need to know silence. -
Everything in existence is the same energy, manifesting itself in a million different ways. -
Intent, thought, emotion, attitude and actions are only consequences of our consciousness. -
This body is a machine that gets better with use. -
Peace not just absence of violence but an expression and manifestation of harmony -
In making an offering, you focus your energy in one direction. Once your energy is one-pointed, you will move forward in life. -
If you value your life, should you not try to understand the source of life? -
You cannot grasp the source of existence, but you can merge with it. That is the nature of devotion -
There is your body and my body, your mind and my mind - but there is only one inclusive consciousness. -
No job is inherently stressful. What causes stress is our compulsive reaction to challenging situations. -
With age your aliveness need not go down. If it is going down, you’re committing suicide in installments. -
Once your sexuality gets into your head, that's called perversion. If it's in the body, it's a natural process. -
Power should not be given to people who have no sense of inclusiveness -
Samadhi is a state of equanimity where the intellect goes beyond its normal function of discrimination. -
If your humanity overflows, divinity will come in search of you. -
If you are really conscious that time is ticking away, you will naturally long to become a yogi. -
Do not bother about mukti. Only concern yourself about your limitations, and how to erase them. -
Once you have come here as a human being then, somehow, survival is not enough. -
There is oneness in existence and uniqueness in all beings. The essence of spirituality is to recognize and enjoy this. -
The beauty of life lies not in what you get or have but in how you are -
Always see what best you can do for everyone around you. It is this sense of offering that will make you shine. -
You need to celebrate and enjoy every moment of your life because it does not wait for you even for a moment. -
Guilt is a socially cultivated emotion, a poison directed towards yourself. -
With absolute involvement, any activity can become a spiritual process. -
Fears and insecurities are unconsciously created by you. If you do not create them, they do not exist -
If you recognize that the work that you are doing is important, first thing is you must work upon yourself. -
Life has a certain pace. You should be joyfully in a hurry but never impatient. -
Yoga is not just about living better. It is about exploring the very source of life. -
When you consciously rise above your likes and dislikes, that’s maturity. -
Compassion is not condescending kindness. It is a passionate engagement with everything around you. -
Marriage means weaving two lives into one. Thinking, feeling, and living beyond yourself can be a stepping stone to Ultimate Union. -
As you can use the strength of your intellect, you can also use the strength of your emotions to do wonderful things. -
Yoga is a huge love affair. It is a process of including every form and dimension of life -
Nature has evolved us to a higher level of intelligence and awareness, but we are refusing to accept the promotion. -
Consciousness is your natural state of being. You only lose it by identifying with your thoughts, emotions, and body. -
A true friend is someone who has the courage to disagree and still be loving to you. -
For effective functioning in the world, knowledge is not the main factor, but clarity of perception. -
Positive thinking means looking only at one side of life. You may ignore the other side, but the other side will not ignore you. -
If you are concerned about the world, the first thing you need to do is transform yourself into a joyful being. -
You don’t win a game because you want to win. It is only because you do something right, it all works. -
Being on the spiritual path means understanding that the source of your trouble and the source of your wellbeing are within you. -
Do not settle for a limited experience of life. Where there is a limitation, there is a possibility of breaking it. -
Equality means equal opportunity, equal regard and respect – not sameness in action -
There is a distance between possibility and reality. Do you have the courage and commitment to walk this distance? -
A rat race is for rats. As a human being, you can consciously create what you want, without being driven by social compulsions. -
If we nurture hatred and violence against others, someday, it will come back to us. -
If you want to explore the deepest dimensions of life playfully, you need a heart full of love, a joyful mind, and a vibrant body. -
The basic virtue for any human being is to be true to yourself. -
Only if you are peaceful and joyful, can you really enjoy the world you live in. -
Most people have not paid any attention to life because they're busy conquering the world. -
The essence of being human is the possibility to move from compulsiveness to consciousness. -
If you don’t mess with your mind, you will be dripping with ecstasy. -
How easy or difficult the spiritual process is going to be for you is determined by you – not by nature, and not by your Guru. -
Renunciation is about transcending, not giving up something. Whatever you try to give up will rule your mind. -
Qualifications only give you entry. It is competence that ultimately works. -
You see the world because it is reflected in your mind. But the mind never reflects the self -
Every cell in your body is working for your wellbeing. If you are in tune with your system, you will naturally be healthy. -
You can use to get rid of your backache or improve your focus and peace of mind – or you can use it as a ladder to the Divine. -
If you want to be successful, don’t seek success. What you seek is competence. -
External circumstances can only cause you physical pain. Suffering is created in your mind -
You don’t have to be better than everyone else, but you have to be at your best. -
If you are miserable when alone, you are obviously in bad company. -
Stability is more important than ecstasy. If ecstasy comes before stability, you are heading for a crash. -
Only because people have not realized the immensity of being human, they think they have to be led by some other force. -
Karma is like old recordings that keep replaying. Yoga means to make life not just a replay but a profound possibility and experience. -
Boredom comes from not being involved with this cosmic happening that is life -
When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you should do is smile. You are alive! Isn’t that the most valuable thing? -
After reaching a place of affluence and technology, using chemicals for being joyful is a disaster. -
If you set an example as someone worth looking up to, you do not have to do much parenting. -
If your relationships have to be good, just see how to make yourself like a flower, that nobody can dislike -
The time has come that only truth can be authority; no authority can claim to be truth. -
Whatever you are going through, if you are conscious about it and do yoursadhana, it will fix itself. -
If your attention becomes absolute, all physicality will dissolve. -
If you cannot bring harmony to your own mind, how can you bring harmony to the world? -
If you become aware of how many living beings are giving their lives to sustain yours, you will eat with enormous gratitude. -
Death is a fiction of the unaware. There is only life, life, and life alone, moving from one dimension to another. -
Samskriti is about growing a human being to his or her full physical and psychological potential -
The main cause of depression in the world today is too much eating, not enough physical activity. -
Do not underestimate negative relationships. You have a deep bond with those you hate, fear, or envy. -
Peaceful individuals are the building blocks of a peaceful world -
Depression is becoming a pandemic; its origins are complex, from pathology to negative lifestyles. A culture of prevention is vital. -
If you are not identified with your own body, you will never be identified with anybody or anything. -
The only reason people don’t know how to stay joyful is they don’t have the needed know-how. -
When a child enters your life, it is time to learn, not to teach. -
If you generate a thought in your mind consciously and if it is single-pointed, it will find its way in the world. -
The ego is always trying to stick out. It is not seeing how to be in tune with what is surrounding it. -
Spirituality means no more illusions – you see everything the way it is. -
The most important thing in life right now is that you are alive. -
Even Bullshit can take you to the Top, but it won't let you stay there. -
Just because you got what you wanted, that does not mean you have achieved something in your life. -
Decisions should not be in terms of what you like or not, but in terms of what works. -
For someone who is intelligent, everything that happens is an opportunity. -
Where there is no fear, the need for violence will come down dramatically. -
Leadership is about managing people, material and situations. Inability to manage oneself is the fundamental lacuna. -
If your body and your mind do not do what you want, what is the point having them? -
If you are absolutely conscious in every aspect of your life, nothing that you do in your life is an impediment. -
If you find the rhythm of a certain dimension of existence, then one becomes naturally meditative. -
If you can look at every person, every creature, and even inanimate things with loving eyes, taking you to the Ultimate will be easy. -
Making assumptions about something that you do not know is a sure way to remain ignorant. -
Unleash your desire; limit it not to the limited. In the boundlessness of the desire is your ultimate nature. -
There is no such thing as right and wrong in life. The question is, are your actions appropriate and inclusive. -
If the society is in order, very little crime happens. The same is true with our physiological structure. -
Being blissful is not a goal by itself. It is just a good condition to make life’s journey. -
When you claim authority over your children, you lose their friendship. -
We know how to go to the Moon, we know how to explore Mars, but we still do not know how to live sensibly upon this planet. -
If you are just a repetition of the past, there is really no purpose to your existence here. -
Human beings suffer their own memory and imagination, which means they suffer that which does not exist. -
Live your materialistic life like today’s the last day. Live your spiritual life like you are eternal. -
Simplicity looks like stupidity, but it is not so. Everything that is profound is simple. -
As a human being, you have the possibility to evolve phenomenally, or you can remain stagnant. It is in your hands. -
A love affair need not be with any particular person. You could have a great love affair with life itself. -
Are you willing to disinvest from misery and invest in joy? -
You cannot fight darkness. You have to light up, and the darkness will disappear. -
Everything is spiritual if you are aware. Everything is material if you are not aware. -
If you activate your spine, it can open up a completely different dimension of living for you. -
Inclusiveness is not a philosophy. Inclusiveness is the nature of the existence. -
Whatever you do, it is the way you do it that transforms you. -
It is not the opulence of the structure but the inclusiveness of the people which makes a home -
Whatever things you gather in your life should not determine who you are. -
When unpleasant things happen in our lives, we can become either wise or wounded – that is our choice -
I want the world to realize that turning inward is the greatest joy. In comparison, any other pleasure is a regressive step. -
If we do not keep our minds peaceful, how can the world be peaceful? The conflicts in the world are a manifestation of the human mind. -
If you want to take charge of your destiny, the first step is to take charge of your own body and mind. -
Life is beautiful only when it is in balance. -
If joy is not the ambience of your life, even life's most pleasurable activities become burdensome -
This whole effort of evolving you from a single-celled creature will go waste if you don’t become Conscious. -
If you live joyfully until the last moment, you don’t have to worry about death – that will also be a joyful process. -
Ambition is about more. Vision is about all. -
For your own physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, you need to become playful, in all areas of life. -
Memory is useful. But if you do not know how to keep it aside, that becomes your biggest bondage -
If you are life sensitive, you experience every other life as yourself because you are life too. Categories: Related content