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And so, dear ones, my Christmas will go on forever, in everAnd so, dear ones, my Christmas will go on forever, in ever increasing joy everlasting. If this joy were limited, as worldly happiness is, a time would come when all would be finished. But no saint will ever be able to exhaust the ever-new bliss of God. ..Paramahansa Yogananda Categories:Paramahansa Yogananda:Quotes, Related content1. Only thing that wets god's heart is love [quote] 2. It is foolishness to say God is not personal [quote] 3. Give god the third degree of your heart [quote] 4. Self-control is the way to real Happiness [quote] 7. Truth is exact correspondence with reality [quote] 8. You have nothing if you have not God [quote] 10. The first experiment is silence [quote] 14. Paramahansa Yogananda on man-woman love [quote] 15. man woman Joke (Paramahansa Yogananda) [joke]